Sri Maha Yogi Vemana

Sri Maha Yogi Vemana

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jai Vemana.

Dear Reddy's,

As we all know that Vemana was born in our community and become the valuable crown to our community.
his contribution to our community is unmeasurable, We are celebrating his birth day has "VEMANA JAYANTHI" that is our community day on JAN 19th.

Now we started building a Chevrolet for Sri Maha Yogi Vemana to spread his message to the society and to create the oneness in our community.. we are welcoming all our community people to take part in this, and to contribute as much as you can, please join with us to make this successful....

For more details contact:-
RamaReddy -                  +919945265427
Venkataswamy Reddy -   +919739459062
Sudarshan Reddy -          +919844843444
Arun Reddy -                  +919916873666

Jai Vemana

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